
Smart Research PLO-PLO5 [MDA]

Original price was: $ 299,00.Current price is: $ 225,00.

✓ Multi Popups

✓ Compatible with Hand2Note

✓ Lifetime license

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The most powerful tool for exploiting your metagame

Smart Research is a professional Popup Set designed to exploit the pool trends and also for players who want to analyze their own database for PLO and PLO5.

  • All preflop and postflop lines
  • Todas las estadísticas de flop, turn y river filtradas por tipos de boards
  • Action Profit on any stat
  • Bet sizing on any stat
  • Hand Strength visualisation

Whether you are a grinder at any stake or a coach, this package will give you the ability to explore any NL Hold'em situation, be it preflop or postflop, and find out where your opponents are unbalanced, which lines are more overbluffed, underbluffed, what sizings are used to bluff, valuebet and adjust our strategy based on real data.

Over 19,000 stats at your disposal ready to start improving your game.

User guide & updates ➜ Smart Research [User guide]

What does this package include?

🔍 Extended Popups

For all postflop sequences, both flop, turn and river, you will be able to access informative popups organized in a very intuitive way and you will be able to filter (and subfilter) by size, texture, and visualize the composition of the range.

hand2note mda
Ejemplo: Popup extendido de la stat general de ¨Turn Bet¨
14.1 Textures 3bettor

Filter by textures

In the "Texture" tab you can filter all the actions but of a particular texture: Flops with a flush draw, paired, A high, A + 2 broadways, T-9 High, etc. This way you will be able to explore the spots and following actions in much more detail and find more specific exploits.

Filters with different sizings

You can study statistics from the “Total” or also explore how players react against different bet sizings:

  • 33% or 1/3
  • 50% or half pot
  • 66% or 2/3 pot

You will even see stats that are colored green, that means the value is more than 60%, therefore it represents a general overfold and will help you to identify which lines are more “overfolded”

4. ColdCall IP BBvSB

📊 Postflop Diagrams

Extended popups on each stat are one of the most powerful tools: Access a ton of accurate information filtered by:

🟢 Sizings

🟢 Boards and runouts

🟢 EV analysis

🟢 Range composition

What do our customers say

Smart Research is one of the best tools today to crush the tables. I was looking for something like this for a long time.


Juan Manuel "proggrezzive" Copani

NL1000 & NL2000 Cash

Smart Research is by far the best tool I've come across for studying the metagame. It has an interface that makes it very easy to study and quickly detect leaks to exploit. I also had the pleasure of meeting its creator, Ignacio, who seemed to me to be an excellent professional who was very concerned about making constant improvements to the tool. I recommend 100% smart research to those who want to improve their game quickly by understanding where their opponents make mistakes.


Fabian Pichara

NL200 Cash Coach

Practical examples: Discover how they play in your stakes

💡Visualize against which sizing and in which textures your opponents fold in a certain spot. These extended popups with lots of valuable information are available on EVERY STAT: flop, turn and river 🔥

Filtering fold vs sizing

💡Use the “River Bets” Popup to explore the most common lines filtered by sizing, such as Raiser and Caller, to see which lines are most bluffed-underbluffed to adapt and exploit correctly!

River Bets

Reports ready to use in Range Research

With these reports already created you can do mass database analysis of your population, filter opponents by recreationals, regulars, aggresive regs, passive regs etc. and discover their tendencies in each area of the game 🔥

range research


Yes, it works for all stakes!

Yeah! This package was created purely and exclusively for Pot Limit Omaha and 5-Card Omaha.

Yes, the pack is compatible with both Hand2Note 3 and 4.

Exact! The license for this package is a one-time payment 🙂

Yes. You need to have a Hand2Note EDGE or PRO subscription to use this pack. If you don't have one of these subscriptions, get a 10% discount on your first license 🔥 —> I want my discount! 🙋‍♂️

Video en Español 🇪🇸

English video 🇬🇧

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  • ♠️

    The real crushers are already studying with Hand2Note to increase their profits superlatively.
  • ♥️

    The true EDGE is knowing the most overbluff/underbluff spots and lines in the game.
  • ♣️

    Creating thousands of stats is a tedious and stressful task, but with this pack you won't have to go through that.
  • ♦️

    With this powerful tool you will study like a true professional and exploit your opponents very profitably.

Low Stakes < NL50, All Stakes

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