
Build your preflop with FreeBetRange

What is FreeBetRange?

FreeBetRange is and online poker tool for working with preflop ranges 

Basically, it consists of two main sections

1. Editor

Fast, easy and intuitive. Manage your ranges directly in your browser.


You can create your own preflop range config, get a config from your friends, colleagues, coach, or even import ranges from other software like Equilab/Flopzilla/Solvers etc.

2. Viewer

Sirve para ver tus rangos en acción. Debes cambiar a esta página cuando empiezas una sesión. Todos tus rangos creados previamente se mostrarán de una manera espectacular a través de un gáfico preflop dinámico.


You just have to click a few buttons to see the range you should play on a certain spot.

Forget about obsolete software, excel files, extensive PDF's, screenshots

✅ Keep your ranges ordered in one place, just in your browser!

For schools, stables and coachs

If you are a coach, have a poker school or stable, we offer extra benefits to improve the performance of your students and obtain the preflop strategy in the most innovative and ergonomic way. 

👉 FreeBetRange for schools 👈

Sign in FreeBetRange

The app has two versions: Base and PRO

  • With the Base version you will have access to most of the fundamental functions and be able to create all the ranges you want totally free.
  • With PRO version, you will get: Advanced Viewer & Editor ; Advanced range import; Export your own configuration and also access to a private discord channel.

Use code smartev to get a 10% discount on your PRO version

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